Oh and we still have our tree and decorations up, because apparently according to my mom it's bad luck to take them down before New Years. And really that's all I need is bad luck! But they will be coming down this weekend!
So back to Christmas I just wanted to share with you all our Christmas festivities. On Christmas day we had 3 families house's to visit. That's why I was so thankful my mom was OK with doing Christmas eve with her, because I don't know that I could have fit one more place in that day. Although it's like this every year.
After we had Christmas morning at our house we went to my Aunt Brenda and Uncle Joe's house, my dad's sister. We ate some very delicious food, my aunt Brenda and uncle Joe are awesome cooks! Opened presents, and spent time with family! Timothy LOVES hanging out with my cousin Matthew, especially this year since he let Timothy play games on is IPad!

I think their favorite gift was their very own digital camera's! They LOVE them, as do I. Timothy took around 500 pictures in like one day. Awesome gift!

Then we had to go straight from there to Tim's aunt Justine's house, his dad's sister. Unfortunately we always arrive late there, and usually never get to eat while we are there. It's hard to eat everywhere, or is it?!

We spent time with family that we don't see that often throughout the year. It's good to see everyone on the holiday's. The kids received some more great gifts. Some cars and trucks, coloring book and crayons.

I think the boys really enjoy going over here because they get to play with Tim's cousin Zac and Jimmy. And Jimmy has a playroom with toys galore. The boys never want to leave aunt Justine's house!

Then after a short time there we had to leave to make it to Tim's aunt Shari's house, his mom's sister. The kids call her crazy aunt Shari. She is like a little firecracker all over the place! For some reason I only managed to take 2 pictures, there, of Taylor. So unlike me!

I ate some yummy cheesy potato soup, the kids opened more gifts, and we played steal from your neighbor! We were there pretty late and didn't get home until around 10:30pm.
It was a long day, and I had to get up the next morning and do it all over again. I had 2 more final places to go before our Christmas was over. I first had to go to my dad and Judee's house. Judee is my dad's girlfriend and she had her boys over with their fiance/wife, and Judee wanted me and the kids there too so it would be all the kids together!

The kids had no problem with this, they LOVE going to see paw paw and Judee! Judee made a delicious lunch/dinner, and they kids got even more presents. Some of which include a cute little table and chairs, a robot(that Mason is afraid of), and some cars that do wheelies!

Taylor didn't do so bad either. She was quite thrilled with her new "baby"!

I was bummed I could only stay there for a short while, but I had make it to my Aunt Linda's house.

My aunt Linda, which is my grandma's sister, so I guess my great aunt Linda. She normally always does Christmas eve, but because of the weather had to cancel and reschedule for the Sunday after Christmas. The kids were starting to get crabby so I was unable to get any pictures. We ended up leaving there a little early too because Mason had a fever. I am assuming he caught the fever that Timothy had a few days before Christmas!
Everyone is all better now! I finally went through all the toys and out with the old and in with the new. The boys are in heaven! This is going to go down as the best Christmas yet!