Monday, February 28, 2011
Angie's Baby Shower!
They have a daughter who is 18 months old, Alyssa, who you have probably seen pictures of. She is such a doll, and a REALLY good girl!

*totally did not have the settings right for this picture
Tim's mom stayed with at our house with the all three kids, so I was out of the house ALONE for a couple of HOURS! I was ecstatic! It was definitely a much needed break, and I had a great time.
We played a few games, like the classic diaper one. You have to sniff the diapers, which contain melted candy bars in them, and figure out what candy bar it is. Funny! I didn't do too well at any of the games, I just wasn't on my A-game!
There was lots of good food and socializing. Which being a stay at home mom, I always welcome anytime!
Alyssa was the only little one there, and she was hamming it up! She has always been such a happy baby, but Saturday she was flashing those grins. She the funniest expressions too! She was all over the place, playing with every ones camera's, then phones', and eventually her brother's new toys!
This was my first time really getting to shoot with my new camera, and I don't think I did too bad. Just trying to get used to all the settings, and what settings to use under certain circumstances. I think the hardest things to figure out, the indoor pictures with the poor lighting, I tend to get the orange pictures. I am sure it's because I have quite figures out where my settings should be. I have been shooting in manual so I need to just keep practicing.
Chris and Angie got a ton of great gifts for baby Christopher Jr. He is spoiled already. I can not wait to see his, and hold and see his sweet little face! I am sure Angie cannot wait either. I told her any day now and I would be ready!
Congrats Chris, Angie, and Alyssa! I can't wait to meet this new little guy!
My Mind Is Swimming
I know I said I was going to post some pictures the other night, but we had some unforseen incidents pop up, like a late night hospital visit, that kept me from blogging right away.
I hope tomorrow (well later today, since it's 2am now) to have some posts to catch you up, with TONS of picture. You all will be so sick of seeing all the pictures. I had a baby shower for a good friend on Saturday, and Timothy and Taylor's party was today (well yesterday, since it's 2am right now)It was a blast!
But for now please keep Tim's grammy (dad's mom) in your thoughts and prayers. She is in the hospital, not doing well AT ALL. Which is the reason for the hospital visit, and the sparratic postings.
I cant wait to catch up with everyone else! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
So Honored
Friday, February 25, 2011
#52 of 365- February 22, 2011
Taylor made her way into the boys room and was just exploring all the toys!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
HELP- New Camera Suggestions!
SO, this is where you guys come in. I have NO IDEA which direction I should be looking in. I am thinking the Nikon D3100, but I don't know.
I am in no way a professional photographer. I need one that will be easy enough for me to learn on, but that I can grow with and that will last awhile.
What camera do you use? What camera would you suggest to me?
Thanks friends!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
How Taylor Makes Me Smile!
Cleaning Out The Closet
In the beginning when Tim and I first got together, things were fine. But as Tim and I started to spend more time together, is when things with his parents went downhill. I felt as though his mom in particular became controlling and nosey, always in our business. There were fights and arguments.
Most of the fights or arguments I probably have started. I would get jealous if she got her way, or if he choose her side over mine. It put a lot of stress on the relationship I had with Tim. We fought a lot about his parents in the early days. I know he felt in the middle, like he had to choose between the two of us, and either way someone was not going to be happy.
This was all before we had any kids, so what I was taking as her being controlling and nosey was really just her being a parent. A mother to a son. I have since understood her though process, what she was going through. But that only came once I had kids of my own.
I often times felt like they hated me, and to be honest I didn't care for them. Once I decided to let that all go, is when things changed. I had to make things right.
Don't get me wrong, there are times that the things they do get under my skin. That I may become frustrated or annoyed, but that happens with everyone. The last fight I had was actually with his dad, and it happened about a year ago. It was a pretty big one, I was being a jerk and the way they handled the situation was anything but right. We all said some pretty hurtful things to one another. But we said our apologies, Tim stood by me, and we have moved on.
Our relationship today is the best it's ever been, in my opinion. I sure do hope they feel the same way. It's hard though when you have been through as much as we have to really know if they have let it go, if they have moved on. Of course they are so nice to me, and would do anything for me and Tim.
I really do care for them, and appreciate all they do for our family. I have learned and grown, and changed. I am so grateful that they are apart of our lives. I truly hope they feel the same way about me.
Do you need to clean out your closet? Get things off your chest? Want to share a story of any kind? Head on over to FTLOB and join in!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Timothy's Birthday Night
Tim got stuck at work even though he asked to get off on time because it was his son's birthday. He didn't get there until 7:45pm so we were doing cake and presents at 8- 8:30pm, which the kids bedtime is around 8. They did good though!
First we did the cake. As soon as we put the cake down both Mason and Timothy put their fingers in the icing!

The cake was delicious, and you could tell the boys liked it by all the icing on their faces!
Then of course it was present time! Mason was such a good boy and helped his brother open the presents. There was no fighting, yelling, or crying.
And a monster truck from great grandma and grandpa!
It was a great night! But by the time we were all done and cleaned up, it was going on 9:30. The boys were extremely tired, and neither Tim or I really wanted to drive all the way back home. So we decided to stay the night there and head home in the morning.
Sounds like a good plan except, I forgot that I needed to go to my moms the next day because she wanted to give Timothy his gift. That morning I really needed to run home so we could all change clothes, and I could maybe jump in the shower. But I just couldn't bring myself to drive 30+ minutes all the way to our house, and then turn around and drive right back to my moms.
So that morning when Tim left for work, the kids and I left Tim's grandparents house and swung by my mom's. We had the same clothes on from the day before, I was tired, and I just really wanted a hot shower. So in case you are wondering, that is why Timothy has the same clothes on from the night before.
I promise we shower and don't wear the same clothes 2 days in a row, under normal circumstances!
He got a the Lightning McQueen racing game for the Wii, and the steering wheel for the game! He was SO excited! We opened it right a way and he played it the whole time we were at grandma's. And he has been asking to play it everyday since!
I think Timothy had a great birthday! I am so excited for his and Taylor's party on Sunday. So bare with me, we will have a few more birthday posts!