Sunday, April 10, 2011

Last Weekend

I am behind on posting pictures from last weekend. This week flew by! We didn't do anything too exciting, but the weather was beautiful and warm! Sunday it was so warm out. We played outside in the morning while we tried to plan something to do. The boys played with bubbles while daddy worked on his dirt bike.

Timothy also rode his four wheeler all by himself! He was so proud of himself! We always practice safe riding. He NEVER rides without his helmet. His bike is specifically made for a child. It has a governor in it that is turned all the way down, so it can't go that fast. It also has a kill switch that Tim usually carries as he walks next to him. There is also a kill switch that if he falls off the bike it shuts off on him so it can't run him over.

It was so nice out that we thought it would be great to go the park and barbecue. We called my dad and Judee, and Tim's parents because we were trying to do something that everyone could do. But Tim's parents already had plans so we scratched the park plan and just went to my dad's house to play!

The boys LOVE playing ball with Pawpaw. Tim, my dad, and the boys played Frisbee and soccer. While Judee and I sat in the shade chatting. I was just so happy to be sitting outside enjoying the breeze!

We put Taylor in the pack n play with some toys and she had a blast! I think she really enjoyed being outside and watching the boys play! It was perfect.

We had to bail kind of early. The boys were becoming little monsters, and throwing fits. NO naps+playing in the sun= tired and crabby kids. So we headed home for an early bedtime!!

1 comment:

b. lee said...

holy cow! seriously a little boys dream ... 4wheelin' :D too cool * *


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