This will be Taylor's 1st Halloween and Mason's 1st Halloween where he is able to actually trick or treat. Last year he fell asleep in the stroller shortly after we started walking.
We are super excited!
The boys got their haircut the other day. Daddy buzzed it! It was long overdue, but I teased Tim that I was going to make him do it outside, gosh I hate having to clean all that hair up. It sticks to everything!
Timothy looks just like Mason. He wouldn't let me take his picture. He is 3, enough said.
Today we took a trip down to the covered bridge by our house. It is one of the few that are left in the state if I remember correctly.
It is beautiful there in the fall with the leaves. Nothing fancy, but it would be a nice place to go have a picnic plenty of picnic tables!
Here is my attempt at a cute picture of the boys. Ahem. Here is Timothy being 3.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love this age?!
Lots of woods, and running!
And Taylor at the covered bridge!

Have a safe and fun Halloween weekend!
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