Simply put. Tim does not believe in a God, and well I do. I am a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason".
Neither one of us are religious, we were never raised with religion in our lives. We do not attend church, but I still believe.
Tim's strongest reason for not believing, is all the bad things that happen in the world and to people. He believes that if there was a God, he would not make people suffer.
I believe that God has a plan, there is a reason people suffer. He has a plan for everyone, and a reason for everything. And while you may not understand the reason or plan at the moment or ever, there is one.
I know there is a reason for the events that happened a few weeks ago. God had a reason for putting us through hell. While I am still not really wanting to share what happened, I am coming to peace with the events of that week.
I feel that our family is stronger, the relationships in our family are stronger, especially between Tim and I. I believe I am a better mother and partner. I feel good about where we are now.
I know that it was because of prayers and knowing that God had his hand in this, that we were able to make it through. He never left our side.
I love seeing God's work. I am blessed to be where we are right now. So very blessed and grateful.
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