and we headed for the woods!
We went to help my dad and Judee cut some wood for their fireplace. Judee's son's girlfriend, her parents own some land that they camp on.
They had a cabin that they built from the ground up, but due to being vandalized three times, it is all ruined. What a shame because it was nice cabin on a small pond/lake.
While my dad and Tim cut some trees up, the boys just ran and ran and ran!
I see some camping trips in our future. Tim's favorite place to be is in the woods and I can tell already that the boys are going to be the same way.
Taylor was even enjoying our little trip.
It was nice to get out of the house, relax, and clear our heads!
I am pretty sure our family was made for the woods, what do you think?!
Taylor also turned 7 months old the day we went to the woods. I will be back tomorrow with a Taylor 7 month update!
1 comment:
There's something healing about spending time close to nature, I think. Sounds like doing so gave all of you a bit of much-needed comfort. Hope that is so, and hope you are doing OK. (((hugs)))
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