Wouldn't you know it we didn't make it. Want to know why?? Because I locked us all out of the house and van. Go ahead ask me how I managed to lock us out of not only the house, but the van too. Being the ditz I am ran out of the house, excited I was actually going to be on time for once, without the car keys. The only way back into the house was through the garage, and the only way into the garage is through the garage door opener, which you guessed it was in the van!!
NICE, I know! PREGNANCY BRAIN!!! So there we were all dressed nice ready to see the Easter Bunny, stranded in the front yard. Luckily it was a nice day out. I had to call Tim at work and have him come home to let us into the house! While waiting for Tim I took the opportunity to take some pictures of the boys, I had nothing better to do!
Once Tim got there and we were able to get into the van to leave I decided we were going to go somewhere since we were all dressed and ready. So we met my mom for lunch and spent a little time at the park. The day turned out OK!
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