Maddie's infectious smile and big bright eyes captured my heart, and it aches for her and her family! My heart aches for her parent's as I can only imagine how hard it is to loose your child. My heart aches for Maddie, it's not fair what she had to go through, no child should have to go through what she did. My heart aches for her grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and the rest of her family. My heart aches for Annabel, she never got the chance to meet her older sister. Although I'm sure they have a bond that only they know about!
I know what you are saying now, "How can I help"? Well I have an answer for you!
You can always donate to the March of Dimes in Maddie's name. Maddie's parents truly believe that the March of Dimes helped save Maddie's life in he NICU and allowed her to be able to make it home! All babies deserve the chance to have he healthiest possible start!
You can also visit Friends of Maddie and make a donation! Here is the Mission statement from their site: Our Mission is to provide support to the families of critically ill babies in an effort to help ease the transition into NICU life and to be an ally until the end of their child’s hospital stay.
And of course you can always visit their website, The Spohrs Are Multiplying, and leave a comment to show your support!!

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