Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mason's Park Birthday Party!

We were able to reserve a pavilion at the park by our house for Mason's party on Sunday. It has been extremely hot here is St. Louis, highs in the upper 90s with a heat index into the 100s. Having a party outside at the park was going to be our easiest option, but the weather was not going to cooperate with us.

The predicted weather for Sunday was HOT and a chance for storms. I decided to start the party at 11am to hopefully beat the heat a little, but instead we beat the rain but it was unbelievably hot out.

Thankfully we still had a decent turnout of family and friends. Tim grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, and brats. We had potato salad, cole slaw, and chips. Yummy!

By the time we ate, the heat was kicking in pretty good. Mason found the best way to keep cool by playing in the water. I am so thankful our pavilion was equipped with a water spout. It kept the kids cool and provided lots of entertainment!!

Then it was time for presents....

and naps for the little ones!

We can't forget about the cake, no party is complete without cake! Tim's mom made Mason's birthday cake. He loves Toy Story, so she made a buzz and woody cake. It turned out great. But Mason would not blow out his candles, didn't want us to sing to him, wouldn't even sit by the cake so I could get a picture. He did eat a piece of that cake though!

We ended the party with water guns from grandma. They were the hit of the party! I don't think anyone left without being a little wet, the boys were vicious with those things! It was a great party, and I think everyone had a good time!

Happy 3rd Birthday Mason! (A late birthday post)

Mason turned 3 on Sunday the 24th. Honestly at times it feels like it has been 3 years, like he has been here for as long as I can remember. Other times I can't believe he is already 3, I still think of him as this sweet tiny little guy.

I can still remember the day we brought him home from the hospital. How exhausted we all were, how I was already starting to panic about how I was going to manage with 2 kids. It was lunch time and Timothy had to eat, Tim and I were starving, and of course I needed to nurse Mason. Add the hormones from just giving birth and I was a mess. Somehow it all worked out. After getting Timothy fed, Mason fed, I finally sat down to eat and noticed that Timothy had climbed into Mason's bouncy seat and fell asleep. Everyone was fed, happy, and all was quite in the house. At that moment I knew that I was going to make it.


You were such a wonderful surprise! Our family would not have been complete without you in it. My pregnancy with you was rough, you gave us a lot of scares and many trips to the doctor. But I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Your wild and spunky personality keeps me on my toes, there is never a dull moment around here.

You and your brother are best friends. I love to see the way you look up to him, they way you want to do everything he does, to be just like him. I love to see how loving you are with Taylor. Always saying "Come on sissy, follow me", making sure she is always included. You have just the right mix of shy and bossy with a little bit of attitude thrown in.

And even when I am trying to discipline you for doing something wrong, you know just when to flash me one of those many looks to make my heart melt. Your a charmer that's for sure! But my life would not be as fun without you.

I love you buddy! Happy 3rd birthday big guy!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Water Fun at Grandma's

Since it has been so hot lately, and with me still not feeling great the kids and I haven't really been getting out of the house. Usually we stay in all week, and get out on Tim's days off, it's just easier to go out with the kids when I have an extra set of hands.

Yesterday my mom called and invited us over. She had a little blow up pool and figured the kids could play outside in the water. I knew the kids would love that, really they probably would have been content that we were leaving the house!

My mom got this blow up kiddie pool from a friend, and had never opened up before. It looked like a decent size from the picture on the box, but once we started blowing it up we quickly realized that it was more like a baby pool. It may not be as big as pawpaw's pool, but the kids didn't seem to mind one bit!

We gave them some cups, and they played for hours. We had to keep filling the pool up because they were dumping all the water out, but other than that it accomplished the goal. They stayed cool and were having fun. We spent all afternoon outside and it was much needed.

The true sign of a good day.....the boys were asleep in the van before we even made it down my mom's street!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

This is my first time participating in the What I'm Loving Wednesday with Jaimie over at This Kind Of Love!

Here is what I'm Loving Today:

1. I'm Loving, that in a few short weeks I will know whether this little peanut is a boy or a girl! I feel it's a boy, but will be happy either way!

2. I'm Loving, the series Breaking Bad on AMC. I am totally addicted. Tim and I are religiously watching the first 3 seasons to be reading for season 4 premier on Sunday.

3. I'm Loving, the big sloppy wet kisses Taylor gives. She is such a sweet girl. Loves giving hugs and kisses!

4. I'm Loving, that the AC seems to be working now after a scare yesterday. With it being in the 90s and 100s outside, the last thing I needed was the air conditioner to go out.

5. I'm Loving, when all is quiet in the boys room so I am sure they are getting into trouble. Only to be pleasantly surprised when I find them playing so nicely together.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Coming Back!

Hello to my loyal followers, who are still here after my very lengthy absence. I looked at my last post, dated for May 31st, and I still cannot believe I have not blogged or been able to keep up with all of your blogs in almost 2 months. Let me just say I have missed it. But we have been plenty busy around here!

I am officially 15 weeks pregnant, and finally starting to really feel better. Getting my energy back, and not throwing up multiple times a day. It's great! Still taking my Zofran, usually everyday which is probably why I am not throwing up.

I had a doctor's appointment at the end of June. I had an ultrasound to take measurements and get a more accurate due date. I thought I was around 10 weeks, but during the ultrasound it was determined that I was measuring more along the lines of 12 weeks. The baby looked awesome, and I was given a new due date of New Years Day!! So it looks like we will most likely have a Christmas baby. I was also put on blood pressure medicine at that time because my blood pressure has been really elevated. I have had this problem with my last 2 pregnancies. So she decided to start the medicine now to hopefully control it from the beginning before it gets out of control and hard to bring back down.

I am really trying to be optimistic that this time around my blood pressure will stay under control, that maybe I won't have to be induced, and that I could just go into labor on my own. I would really love to go into labor on my own. All three of my kids were induced because of blood pressure, so this would be a miracle. But I am hopeful!

In other news, all the kids are doing great. Taylor is getting so big and sassy! She is running all over the place, chasing her brother's and keeping up with them too! Oh and the climbing, she climbs EVERYTHING. This morning I caught her on the kitchen table. I have no idea how she got up there! Thankfully she didn't fall. She babbles non stop too. Just a talkative little thing. Her favorite thing to do dress up. The boys never did that, but if Taylor finds a shirt, pants, any clothing item on the floor she is trying to put it on. I am always amazed at the differences I have seen in Taylor's personality and the boy's. It really is like she girl's are wired to be drawn to certain things, and boys to certain things.

Mason is really starting to talk and pronounce a lot. We were a little concerned about his speech, because he was just not a talker. Just grunted for things. But boy does he talk now. A lot of what he says is still hard to understand, but I think that is pretty normal. And oh the energy there is plenty of that! Both the boys have more energy than I can imagine, but especially Mason. He is on full steam from the time his feet hit the floor in the morning, until I convince him it is bedtime. He is so much fun though! He has his 3rd birthday at the end of the month, and we are planning a small party at the park on Sunday the 24th, his actual birthday. I am really excited!

I still have a hard time believing Timothy is 4, crazy! He is a little devil sometimes. Having a little bit of a hard time with his behavior. He likes to talk back, and his tantrums and whining are worse than a 2 year old. My hope is that since he is not going to be going to preschool, that I can slowly stop his naps and take that time to work with him. There are still things I need to work on to prepare him for kindergarten, and I hope that this time with him will help his behavior. Because when he gets that alone time, he is such a great kid!

Not much else has really been going on here. Just trying to keep sane. I have spent most of the time at home, just trying to keep from breaking down from really not feeling well. The poor kids are probably so ready to get out more and to see friends. I am hoping the weather cools, it's been in the high 90s with a heat index in the 100s, so that we can get out to the park and Zoo!

Going to spend the morning with my feet kicked up, trying to catch up on all of your blogs! I hope you all have a great day!!


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