Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy 11 months Taylor!

Wow, we are 1 month away from your 1st birthday. Some days I feel like time went by too fast, and that is was just the other day I was sitting in the hospital room waiting to see who you would look like. Then other days it feels as though you have been here forever, and I have trouble remembering what our days were like before you were here.

In a little over 2 weeks we will be having a party for you and your brother. I cannot wait to watch you smash your cake. Celebrating your birthday will bring up a lot of emotions and reflecting. You truly are my little miracle, there was nothing that was going to stop me from conceiving you. And like I have said before, there is a reason I was able to get pregnant with you, and I am so thankful that I did.

Taylor, I will never be able to express how much love I have for you. Sometimes my heart literally feels like it will explode from all the love and joy. One day though you will understand that love when you have your own children. Oh Taylor you mean the world to mommy.

What Taylor is up to this month:
* On formula full time now :( We made it 10 months, and I will forever cherish that time with her
* Sleeps through the night (usually 8pm-7am)
* Takes 2 big naps( around 2+ hours) and maybe 1 cat nap in the evening
* Crawls on all fours all. over. the. house
* Pulls herself up
* Cruises on the furniture
* Eats baby food(about 6 jars a day)
* Started eating finger foods( LOVES macaroni and cheese and cheerios)
* Can say mama, dada, bubba, papa, baba
* Just started clapping
* Loves bath time
* LOVES to cuddle and give kisses

Taylor I love you to the moon and back. You make my heart smile! I look forward to you next 1 year post!! OMG, now I need to go snuggle my wittle baby.


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